Lecture at the Chamber of Architects

Everyone knows the reason for endless disagreements between architects and engineers, in our team these conflicts have become a memory for a long time. It is the teamwork of these two specialists that brings the projects to success. So we decided to share our views and ways of cooperation with young people and established professionals.
In the presentation, we showed examples of global experience, in the form of such famous projects as the Taipei 101 skyscraper, the restoration after the 2011 earthquake in Japan, the HSBC skyscraper in China, etc. The experience of similar reconstructions in Armenia, the experience of strengthening the architecture of the USSR and examples of the famous Sanatsia of East Germany were also presented.
We presented the main types of residential buildings in Armenia, their constructive features, the types of buildings most affected by the Gyumri earthquake, the reasons and many other examples. The main ways of building strengthening, the ways of increasing earthquake resistance and their modern approaches were presented.
As a summary, we talked about our experience in strengthening buildings, we presented in detail the constructive solutions of one of the projects, the architectural intervention and the summary of the overall project. As our favorite designer often says, knowledge is security.